京都・一乗寺ブリュワリーは、自分らしく生きる人たちに飲んでほしいクラフトビールです。比叡山の麓でつくる自慢のビールを届けながら、この世界で生きる、多様な存在が描く未来を認め合い、新たな文化を生み出そうと挑戦する人々と共に、 未来への対話を育んでいきます。
2011年6月21日に醸造認可を取得し、クラフトビール の醸造・販売を行っています。
Kyoto Ichijoji Brewery is creating the craft beer for the characteristics people. We deliver the proud beer made at the base in a Mt.Hiei-zan.
We recognize the various existence each other.
A dialogue in the future is brought up with the person who challenges in order to produce new culture.
”Close up nobody is normal.”
Dr. Shunsuke Takagi is a new medicine called ACT(ACT-K) that provides comprehensive visiting-type support to enable people who have a heavy mental disorder to realize and maintain their own lives in the community for the first time in Japan.
The goal of opening a brewery is to become a place where mentally disabled people living at home can be hired in the future.
It took more than two years for a brewing license to get,
Finally got permission on June 21, 2011.
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